There are a number of treatment methods available depending on suitability for your condition and individual preference.
These can include:
Individualised Nutritional Recommendations
- Rebalance intolerances and over sensitivity to foods including Gastrointestinal strengthening
- Strength different systems that may need extra balance
- Education on beneficial foods to be used as medicine at home
- Use of homeopathic individual customized remedy of beneficial frequencies shown in testing
Nutritional Supplements
Are prescribed in therapeutic dose to correct deficiencies. Quantum Reflex Analysis (QRA) is used along with Quantum State nutrients to get the fastest and best possible nutrient prescription for your body. More Info.
Asyra Personalised Frequency Formula
Customised for you to balance what your body shows as needing in the Asyra Pro Bioenergetic Testing.
Mineral Therapy
Involves the use of supplements or whole foods to prevent or treat disease conditions.
Herbal Therapy
Herbs are as potent as effective as pharmaceutical drugs with out side effects. Herbal tinctures, homeobotanicals, homeopathic remedies are used as indicated in treatment.
Mudpacking of Interference Field
Area's such as vaccination points or scars that test as causing a reflex pattern to different organs and compromising their functionality can be cleared by specific mudpacking.
Meridian Balancing
Through stimulating the master points using either Microcurrent, tuning forks or colour to enable the body’s energy systems to balance (no needles).
Pilates Correctional Instruction
Emotional Release Technique ERT
A technique which can release held emotional blockages affecting your health at time of consultation. Some very strong blockages may need 7-21 additional days to hold new resonance before completely clear.
Reduce and aid balance from inflammation, muscle tightness, pain, nerve and cellular dysfunction
Frequency Specific Microcurrent;
Directly targets cells on a sub-sensory level, micro-current therapy has a dramatic effect in healing and repairing the body in various ways. Beneficial for chronic and acute neck and back pain, any inflammation, sports injuries, fibromyalgia, myofascial pain, tendon ligament repair, arthritis, polycystic ovarian syndrome, shingles, herpes virus, parasites, virus, bacteria, chronic fatigue, glandular health, edema, lymphatic drainage – to name a few. See research. More info.